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i always die on the phase were theres two characters 

Yeah, same...

just keep your buds together. it helped me

hard mode or normal mode? me: hard mode. i dont like the coin part, especially the fact that they have a hitbox

i absolute love it´

That was fun! Don' t think I'll be beating hard mode any time soon though haha. Great game

Awesome game! Normal mode alone was tough, but hard mode left me gaping. Took awhile, but  beat both!

Whoa! This game is incredibly fun, original, and a really nice challenge. I had a great time playing it and I hope you keep making more games like this one. I can't wait to see what you do next!

This game is amazing! Super fun and simple idea that is very challanging! The music has been stuck in my head for a few days now after playing this and it fits the game perfectly! 

Awesome game! glad i played it, hard mode was pretty tough but i beat after like 20 min, anyway hope you make more games!

nice game!!! :>

(3 edits)

Already the music got me hooked into the battle as the classy 8-bit music icked in. I found myself constantly smiling as Wizmirror (That's the name I gave him) tried to impale me with flowers, cloned me (I died a lot there), and fired lasers at me. If this was a real game, then HOLY HELL I would play it until my computer ran out of battery! Extra thanks for not giving a piss about graphics and the music! Can I download the OST if possible?

Edit: I really hope this game stays free! Oh, also, do you plan to make this a full boss rush-esque game? I'd love to see that!
Edit 2: I'm finding myself trying to find a game engine trying to recreate this cool game! What software did you use to make this music?

Hehe Wizmirror, I like that!

The game was made in PICO-8. It's a great engine to get started in game development, and if you're interested I'm working on a tutorial series to help people learn PICO-8. The music was created in the chiptune editor that comes with PICO-8, which I found to be pretty accessible! You can even download Just One Boss and export the music to a .wav file really easily.

I love boss fights and I have a dream of making a full boss rush at some point in my life, but it probably won't be with this set of mechanics (though I do think these mechanics have a lot of interesting design space to offer).

Thanks for playing :)

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...What? Did you mute it or something? Sound works for me.

(1 edit)

Hey, wanna say that though this boss beat the hell out of me for the first few minutes of playing (and still stuck on Hard Mode), it felt like a really good boss to fight against, and definitely memorable. 

As a dev/spriter of a video game mod that focuses on making difficult but fun bosses, I found myself falling in love with this game. I showed this to some other familiars and they also found it pretty neat, and of course they got to Hard Mode and got their arse beaten. They all enjoyed it though, and I'm hoping this gets more attention. 

Made a little sketch as appreciation for your work! Thank you so much!

AwwwwWWW I love it! Where can I find your mod? I'd love to play!

(1 edit)

The mod's for a game called Terraria, and runs on a special modding platform called TModLoader. It's called the Calamity Mod, which is still a WIP.  Thanks for the neat game! 

EDIT: Made it to 4th phase of Hard Mode through sheer error and luck! Yay, a new phase to fail on!

Ahhh look at all those bosses! I like Bumblebirb especially.. I loved the time I spent with Terraria so it's really cool to see that folx are still modding, improving, and adding to the game!

Lovely to hear from another boss designer :)

(1 edit)

There is a game on armor games called 'floor of hell'  that is a carbon copy of this game.

Its here:

Tho i think this one is way better,as the villian is alot more classy,unique,and a reference to old school magicians i think.Like with the coin out of the ear thing,the flowers,etc

Thanks for letting me know. I contacted the author a couple days ago, but ultimately I'm comfortable with the existence of this game. Just One Boss is released un a creative commons license, so it's free game if people want to remake or riff on it.

Amazing Game!

love it!!!!

super gamenllin mira mis games


supra bueno XD

Even though this is just a small game, it brought me simple joy that many larger, more expensive (not free) games struggle to give me. Keep up the amazing work!

Aww that's very sweet T_T thank you so much for playing!!

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I feel like hard mode should be normal mode, i beat the normal on my first try but the hard was tough, great game though!

Hehe most people think normal mode is far too difficult! But I'm glad at least hard mode was a challenge.

Yeah, gg im still scared by hard mode though


Nice!! This challenge was really welcomed :D

I loved it! Amazing Work! 

I DID THE HARD MODE!!! It seemed unfairly hard, but i actually did it! It is all about learning patterns and mechanics, and reflecting over what just happend helps too. I love the style, I love the soundtrack and I love a good challenge!

Keep being awesome!

Congrats! You are one of very few to have defeated hard mode! A bunch of playtesters compared hard mode to a real-time puzzle game, and I think that gets at what you were saying about learning and reflecting on patterns.

At any rate, thank you for the lovely comment and thank you for playing!

Ah that was so fun!


One of the more fun games I've played, very challenging and fun


Really nice game, too bad I suck haha

Really nice challenge to beat this boss !

This was my favourite game that I've found on Itch in a long time

The music, themovement, and the character design are all so great.

I look forward to more!

This was such an excellent game! The mechanics and design made it hard but not unfair, and the sprites were so incredibly expressive!! I loved the movement and energy so much.

such amazing game! 


Super enjoyable! The first phase I thought I it was super easy, little did I know there was more to come. ;)

i love the game. 

Dude this is sooooooo coool! Would definitely love more of this game!

What a smooth fella! I loved how their moves synced to the music, and the whole mirror theme has been so well executed! Definitely got to try to beat it perfectly some day!

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This game is super fun. You can't hate the boss he is just too classy the best type of vilian you could have!

Aww I love seeing all these vidoes!! Not only is it great to see the game I made get played a bunch, it's also a really rich way for me to learn how people play the game. Even after playtesting by looking over peoples' shoulders for hours and hours, I still feel like I'm learning a lot from these videos.

Tons of fun. Good work!

This guy totally Sigma-ed me like 8 times. And Hard Mode doesn't count when I beat it originally so yeah, I'm awesome. Good game.

How much did you get in support dollars?

I am a fat $6 richer thanks to some lovely lovely supporters!

But to clarify, I made a point of not charging any money for this game. I'll probably try monetizing some future game I create, but I wanted this one to be accessible to all y'all good peeps.


Hi! I love your game! It's awesome, simple, and neat. However, could I use this music in my game? Or do you have any other music that I could use? 

Thanks so much!

Of course! This game was released under a Creative Commons license, so you can absolutely use this music for non-commercial purposes provided you give proper attribution.

I don't have any other music, however. This is in fact the first game I've ever composed music for.

Thanks so much! I'll be using it for the Heart Jam :)

Also, is their a link to just get the music, nothing else?

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